I’ve been thinking about a class of optimization problems on a quantum computer and wish to explore them with machine learning algorithms, especially reinforcement learning, as it does not require a good initial guess (radom, intuition or whatever). More recently, I came across to the paper “Global optimization of quantum dynamics with AlphaZero deep exploration”, which has been published online about 2 weeks ago. While the authors considered a rather ideal situation, their work did shed lights on my research. So, I prepare this note to briefly discuss their work and some relevant topics.
Today is a special day called “palindromic day”, as you may have seen in the news. A palindromic day is a day, whose date, when written in certain forms, is a palindromic number.
Updated on 04/16/2023: This post is outdated and this blog no longer used Jekyll and AMP.
I built this Blog with Jekyll, GitHub Pages and AMP (see links at footer). The basic framework is based upon template hanuman, yet significant modifications are made. In this note, I share the basics of using these tools to build and customize your own website. This note is very friendly for starters.
最近加入了一个新的gym buddy M君,而且M君是我第一个女性的gym buddy。我之前对女生如何训练了解的并不多。不过男女之间的训练虽然有不同,但总体思路还是相似的。所以我根据已有的经验,调研了一下网上一些网友分享的经历。整理了这一份note,详细讲解了女生如何入门健身。因为M君主要想“练”出翘臀和马甲线,所以我也会从这两点开始切入,然后再讲其他部位的训练。
最近发现了一个非常有意思的比赛叫做Agar Art Contest。大概意思就是说在培养皿中生长微生物来“作画”。其中有一些作品非常美(我直接画都画不出- -),尤其是18年的第一名,如下图: