Picking up French basics L01

I’ve been in France for sometime and learnt French at some point. However, as I didn’t use French for a long time, I almost forget even the basics. Recently, I’ve decided to pick it up again with Duolingo.

Covering lessons: Basics 1, Greetings and Basics 2.

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Method reference for machine learning with MMA

Mathematica (MMA) is known for its comprehensive library that covers almost everything you need in mathematics, physics and engineering. While I’m a big fan of MMA and MMA released its machine learning (ML) features long time ago, I used to use Python for ML practices because Python is more widely accepted by the data science community and thus, provides better supports. However, it has been 4 years after MMA 11’s first release, the ML features in MMA are getting much better than before. So, I’ve spent sometime playing with MMA ML and made such a reference for later conveniences.

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Coursera offers free certificate for a limited time during COVID-19 pandemic

Recently, I didn’t update my notes as frequently as before. One of the reasons is that I’m very busy with my work since I’m about to start my intern. Another important reason is that I’ve been spending lots of time in taking courses with free certificates on Coursera. As one of the biggest MOOC, Coursera offers many free courses covering a variety of subjects. However, free audit options cannot earn us a certificate even if you follow the instruction and complete all required assignment. If you want the certificate as a proof of your hard work, you have to pay another 50 bucks (the fees vary depending on the course). Now, due to the pandemic situation, more and more people are forced to study and work from home. Coursera also offers free certificate for over 100 courses.

A full list of these coursers can be found here. You may register these courses for free until 7/31/2020.

Happy learning and stay healthy!

Job hunting resources for Ph.D. students in CMP/AMO physics and related fields

Note added 5/28/2020: I just learnt that there’s a tool called UIUC Fellowship Finder. While completing excellent research work is the most important thing for a Ph.D. student, selling yourself is also critical to your career. Getting a fellowship from big tech companies like Google, IBM and Microsoft in the early stage of your Ph.D. study would definitely boost your future career significantly. It’s really a pit that I only get to know this when I’m about to graduating.

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Grover Search as a Naturally Occurring Phenomenon

A few days ago, when I was browsing papers recently accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett. I noticed an interesting article Grover Search as a Naturally Occurring Phenomenon, which has just been published online today. I found this work really very fascinating, so I write this short note describing the work.

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82年生的金智英(Kim Ji-young, Born 1982)

82年生的金智英(Kim Ji-young, Born 1982)

书名:82年生的金智英(Kim Ji-young, Born 1982)
作者:赵南柱(Cho Nam-ju)
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富爸爸 穷爸爸(Rich Dad Poor Dad)

书名:富爸爸 穷爸爸(Rich Dad Poor Dad)
作者:Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
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缺爱(Exister:Le plus intime et fragile des sentiments)

书名:缺爱 (Exister:Le plus intime et fragile des sentiments)
作者:罗伯特·纳伯格(Robert Buettner)
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