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$10^{-18}$ -- 人类有史以来最精确的时钟(The most accurate clock we ever built)

$10^{-18}$ -- 人类有史以来最精确的时钟(The most accurate clock we ever built)

时间一直以来都是一个很有意思的概念,先贤们也对此争论不休。当然,时间也在方方面面影响着人们的生活。自古就有“日出而作,日落而息”的说法。虽然来到近代,我们已经(很大程度上)脱离了日晷,摆钟,石英钟和电子表,逐渐习惯了智能手机和智能手表。我们仅需要连接网络,智能设备就可以自动设定当前的时间。而这背后,少不了一个叫做“原子钟”(Atomic clock)的设备。


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房贷与货币的时间价值(Mortgage and the time value of money)

Coursera offers free certificate for a limited time during COVID-19 pandemic

Recently, I didn’t update my notes as frequently as before. One of the reasons is that I’m very busy with my work since I’m about to start my intern. Another important reason is that I’ve been spending lots of time in taking courses with free certificates on Coursera. As one of the biggest MOOC, Coursera offers many free courses covering a variety of subjects. However, free audit options cannot earn us a certificate even if you follow the instruction and complete all required assignment. If you want the certificate as a proof of your hard work, you have to pay another 50 bucks (the fees vary depending on the course). Now, due to the pandemic situation, more and more people are forced to study and work from home. Coursera also offers free certificate for over 100 courses.

A full list of these coursers can be found here. You may register these courses for free until 7/31/2020.

Happy learning and stay healthy!