Machine Learning Interview Prep -- ML Fundamentals

This is a series of notes that I prepared during my job seeking in the last few months and there will be four separate notes in total:

  • Fundamentals of Machine Learning (This note)
  • Fundamentals of Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning Models
  • Derivation, Implementation & Experience

This note will cover some very basic concepts of machine learning and will focus on the application, instead of the theory.

Although there’s a fundamental in the title, this note is not a good material for someone to study ML. While the notes cover a plethora of topics, it doesn’t contain the necessary details for you to understand if you are unfamiliar with them. If you would like to learn machine learn, some books that I find very useful are:

  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop,
  • Machine Learning by Zhihua Zhou,
  • Deep Learning by Aaron Courville, Ian Goodfellow, and Yoshua Bengiob,
  • and Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Richard S. Sutton, Andrew Barto.

For those who want to prepare them for a machine learning system design interview, the following books are commended:

  • Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann
  • Machine Learning Systems Design (Stanford CS 329S) or you can find the book Designing Machine Learning Systems by Chip Huyen

You can also find at the end of this note some useful references.

Personally, I do find it useful to go through these key points to refresh my knowledge from time to time and it helps with both work and research.

Fundamentals of machine learning


  • Overfitting happens when the model performs better on training data but worse on test/validation data
    • Usually happens with complex model; Can be a result of fitting noises/outliners in the training data
    • Some common methods to detect, treat and avoid overfitting
      • Use cross-validation to detect overfitting
      • Consider simple models, regularization & early stop
      • Data augmentation & feature selection
      • Dropout & hyperparameter tuning (mostly for DNN)
  • Underfitting happens when model fails to fit the training data
    • Simple model tends to underfit.
    • Common practices to avoid underfitting
      • Increase training data and/or epochs.
      • More complex model including more features and/or less regularizations.

Bias-variance tradeoff

  • Bias measures the difference between model predictions and ground truth.
  • Variance measures how prediction changes with varying inputs.
    • Simple model tends to have high bias & low variance (extreme case: model outputs a constant), corresponding to underfeeding
    • Complex model tends to have low bias & high variance, corresponding to overfitting.
  • Error = bias^2 + variance + irreducible errors

Generative vs Discriminative

  • Generative model estimates P(x|y) then deduces P(y|x)
    • Learn a distribution of the data, examples like GDA, Naive Bayes
  • Discriminative model estimates P(y|x) directly
    • Learns a decision boundary, examples like SVMs, DNN & regressions


  • L1 regularization or LASSO: sum of absolute value, 1-norm (special case of p-norm)
    • Makes the model more sparse (more weights become zero)
      • Ideal for feature selection
    • Bayesian regression with a Laplacian prior
  • L2 regularization or ridge: square root of sum of square
    • Effectively simplify the model (more weights become small, smaller high-order contributions)
      • It won’t give too many zeros since the gradient becomes small around 0 while L1 has a constant gradient.
    • Bayesian regression with a Gaussian prior, 2-norm
  • Why we don’t use L3, L4 or higher order in practice?
    • Unnecessary since a liner combination of L1 and L2 approximates higher-order ones at the origin
  • See a good article from MLOps Blog for more details

Metrics & Evaluation

  • precision and recall trade-off
    • Precision P = TP/(TP+FP), used when FP comes with higher costs
    • Recall R = TP/(TP+FN), used when FN comes with higher costs
    • Increasing/decreasing the threshold leads to higher/lower precision & lower/higher recall (see Andrew Ng’s lecture)
  • F1 is harmonic mean of recall and precession: 2/F1 = 1/P + 1/R
    • Better than accuracy when the data is imbalanced
    • Macro F1: average of F1 using all confusion matrices
    • Micro F1: get the average P & R using all confusion matrices and then compute F1
  • ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic)
    • X-axis as FPR = FP/(TN+FP); Y-axis as TPR=R=TP/(TP+FN)
    • Model is better if appears on the upper-left corner
  • AUC (Area Under ROC Curve)
    • Plotted in ROC using different threshold for positive and negative prediction.
      • The probability of predicting a higher score for a randomly selected positive than negative.
      • Lowering the threshold allows more items to be classified as positive, thus increasing both true positive rate and false positive rate.
    • Pros
      • AUC is scale-invariant. It measures how well predictions are ranked rather than their absolute values.
      • AUC is classification-threshold-invariant.
  • Imbalanced data
    • F1 and Precision-Recall Metrics work well if positive classes are more important
    • We can use Sensitivity-Specificity Metrics if both classes are equally important
      • Sensitivity or Recall R = TP / (TP + FN); Sensitivity S = TP / (TP + FN)
      • Geometric mean or G-mean = (R+S)^1/2

Common loss functions

  • MSE: (f(x)-y)^2, where f(x) is prediction and y is ground truth
    • MSE with linear regression is convex but not with logistic regression
    • Ordinary least square or OLS uses MSE as loss function; Maximum likelihood estimation or MLE assumes that the error follows a Gaussian distribution and it’s eventually equivalent to OLS.
  • Log loss: -y*log(f(x))
    • Also known as log-likelihood loss, logistic loss or cross-entropy loss (CE is equivalent to log loss when we assume Bernoulli distribution)
    • Some basic concepts
      • Information: I = -log(p)
      • Entropy: H = -pI = -plog(p)
      • Cross Entropy or CE: CEH = -p*log(q)
      • Relative Entropy or KL Divergence: KL = p*log(p/q) = CEH - H
    • In ML, we assume p is known so CEH and KL is equivalent up to some constants
    • Logistic regression with sigmoid (or generally softmax) using log loss is convex
  • Other losses
    • Focal loss, Hinge loss, Margin loss, Triplet loss, Contrastive loss, etc.

Reference (English)


Reference (Chinese)


Ryan Hou

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