Picking up French basics L03
Covering lessons: Family, Activities and People 2.
New words
la famille (the family)
mon père (my father); ma mère (my mother)
ton frère (your brother); ta sœur (your sister)
son fils (his/her son); sa fille (his/her daughter)
la femme (the wife); le mari (the husband)
le grand-père (the grandfather); la grand-mère (the grandmother)
le jardin (the yard); la maison (the house); le appartement (the apartment)
to want; Il/Elle veut
- C’est la fille de Julia (This is Julia’s daughter); Ma femme s’appelle Alice (My wife’s name is Alice)
- Marc va bien (Marc is doing well)
- Tu as un fils? (You have a son?); Ma fille veut un chien. (My daughter wants a dog)
- C’est mon animal de compagnie. (This is my pet.)
- Le chien est dans le jardin. (The dog is in the garden.)
Picking up French basics L03