Method reference for machine learning with MMA
Mathematica (MMA) is known for its comprehensive library that covers almost everything you need in mathematics, physics and engineering. While I’m a big fan of MMA and MMA released its machine learning (ML) features long time ago, I used to use Python for ML practices because Python is more widely accepted by the data science community and thus, provides better supports. However, it has been 4 years after MMA 11’s first release, the ML features in MMA are getting much better than before. So, I’ve spent sometime playing with MMA ML and made such a reference for later conveniences.
Data preprocess
- RandomSample: gives a pseudorandom sample of a list. I used this for splitting my data into training and testing (and sometimes validating) sets.
- Standardize: the Standardization process. Namely, shifts and rescales the elements so that the list has zero mean and unit variance.
- Statistics methods:
- Mean
- Variance ($S^2$)
- StandardDeviation ($S$)
- Chop or Threshold: replaces data that is close to zero by exact zero.
- Interpolation: constructs an interpolation from a list.
- CountsBy: count the unique elements and their frequency according to a given set of rules.
- GroupBy: gives an association that groups the elements and into lists associated with distinct keys.
- Keys: returns the keys.
- SortBy: sort the list following a given set of rules.
- LogisticSigmoid: Everyone knows this function but I used to write it down as $1/(1+e^{-x})$.
- MMA provides many similar special numerical functions like UnitStep, HeavisideTheta, DiracDelta, KroneckerDelta, etc.
Function fittings
- LinearModelFit: constructs a linear model fitting $y=kx+b$.
- FindFormula: finds a pure function that approximates the given list.
- FindFit: similar to FindFormula but you have to provide a parameterized function form and it returns a fitting values of the parameters.
- FindSequenceFunction: find a simple function that yields the given sequence. With this, you would never fail a number series reasoning question!
- TimeSeriesModelFit: constructs a time series model for a given list and you may specify the model and/or parameterization here.
- The keyword “PredictionLimits” returns the lower and upper bound at a given time.
General ML methods
- FeatureExtraction: extracts features from given data
- Can be applied to numerical data, nominal data, text, images and audio objects.
- DimensionReduce: projects input data onto lower-dimensional subspace.
- Performance options: “Quality” or “Speed”
- Some available methods: “Linear”, “LLE” (locally linear embedding), “PrincipalComponentsAnalysis” (PCA), “Isomap” (isometric mapping), etc.
- Classify: the usage of this method is diverse but you know its job by its name.
- There are some useful built-in classifier: “CountryFlag”, “FacialAge”, “FacialExpression”, “FacialGender”, “Language” (recognizes which natural language text is in), “NotablePerson”, “ProgrammingLanguage”, “Spam”, etc.
- Available option for training goal: “Quality” (maximize accuracy), “Speed” (maximize speed), “TrainingSpeed” (minimize time spent on training), etc.
- Predict: generates a predictor based upon a list of ordered pair $a->b$. The usage of this method can also be versatile.
- The available training models include: “DecisionTree”, “GradientBoostedTrees”, “LinearRegression”, “NearestNeighbors”, “NeuralNetwork” and “RandomForest”.
- ClassifierMeasurements: gives measurements associated with a given property when a classifier is evaluated on some test sets.
- Some examples of available properties: “Accuracy”, “CohenKappa”, “Error” (fraction of incorrectly classified examples), “GeometricMeanProbability”, “LogLikelihood”, “MeanCrossEntropy”, etc.
- PredictorMeasurements: similar to ClassifierMeasurements but comes with some visualization features.
- ClusterClassify: performs clustering on a given data.
Note added 09/07/2020: A new feature is added recently in MMA 12: SequencePredict.
Specific ML methods
- Neural networks
- NetModel, NetTrain, NetGraph, etc.
- Computer visions
- ImageIdentify: attempts to identify what a given image is a picture of.
- FindFaces: attempts to find human faces in a given image.
- TextRecognize: recognizes text in a given image.
- Natural language processing
- LanguageIdentify: attempts to determine what human language is.
- TextStructure: returns the grammatical structure of natural language text.
- FindTextualAnswer: gives the substring of the given text that best appears to answer a given question.
Method reference for machine learning with MMA