Building personal blog with GitHub Pages, Jekyll and AMP (Outdated)

Updated on 04/16/2023: This post is outdated and this blog no longer used Jekyll and AMP.

I built this Blog with Jekyll, GitHub Pages and AMP (see links at footer). The basic framework is based upon template hanuman, yet significant modifications are made. In this note, I share the basics of using these tools to build and customize your own website. This note is very friendly for starters.

Connecting to GitHub with SSH

You can check your local SSH key through entering the folder cd ~/.ssh.

If it returns “No such file or directory”, it simply means you have not yet used Git.

To generate a new SSH key, type ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "YOUREMIAL".

You may change the default file (~/.ssh/id_rsa) and setup a passcode (to stop others from messing up with your project) at this stage. Now, copy the key from vim ~/.ssh/

and go to “Settings -> SSH and GPG keys -> New SSH key” (on your GitHub account) and add this key. Once this is done, you may check the connection with ssh -T

and enter “yes” to continue connecting. If it returns that you have successfully authenticated, you may proceed to setup user information

git config --global "USERNAME"

git config --global "EMAIL"

The GitHub Help provides many useful debug information and the two most relevant ones are Connecting to GitHub with SSH and Error: Permission denied (publickey).

Creating your Blog

To start, you have to create a new repository with the name Make sure that you are using exactly the name with your GitHub username and the correct suffixes. The website will not work if you type the wrong repository name.

Now, go to settings and you will find GitHub Pages under Options (just rolling down). Some simple themes are provided here and you may choose a one you like. Once this is done, you may go to “" and you will see you new website!

To start building, you need to edit to customize your main page. By adding other and link it to the main page in Note that is the DEFAULT file for main page, but you can name subpages as you wish.

However, you may find these predefined themes not satisfactory and want a more fancy website. My recommendation is to use Jekyllrb, which provides a fantastic way to build static website with GitHub Pages. It would be way too time-consuming if you start building everything from ground by yourself and this is usually necessary.

To find an ideal template, you can either search on GitHub or go to Jekyll Themes, which provides versatile nice themes. Of course, you won’t find the perfect template for your website, thus, we would like to customize the template.

Depending on the themes you chosen, it may require you to have some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, Jekyll or AMP. However, don’t be panic if you never heard any one of them. In the following, I will walk you through these processes with an example “hanuman”.

Customize your Blog - “hanuman” as an exmaple

As I really do not like the origin navigation bar, I replaced it with this template from AMP Start.

Also, to manage the notes, I create several subpages classifying the note using given catalog indices, which are different from the Tags. You may check the assets folder for more information.

Customer domain – Note add on 20 Oct 2020

Recently, I have registered a new domain “” with Google Domains and I’m surprised that the “.org” was open to public years ago. To use a customer domain, you simply need to follow two steps:

  1. Create a file “CNAME” in your GitHub page repo and input the customer domain, which is usually somehting like “xxx.ur_domain” in my case.

  2. Add a new resource record in DNS of your domain. Input record type “CNAME”, name “xxx” and data (or domain name) your GitHub page address ( You may leave the TTL as default.

After completing the two steps, you should be ready to go! Note that you can also select the “Enforce HTTPS” option under “Settings” to serve your GitHub page over HTTPS but it takes around 24 hours before you can enforce the secure protocol. If something goes wrong, you can always refer to this site for more information as well as troubleshooting.

Latex support

It is usual to write complex math expressions with latex when we are talking about physics or machine learning. However,
GitHub flavored Markdown (GFM) does not support Latex anymore. There are two ways to resolve this problem.

The first one is to use online latex editor and embed it. CodeCogs is good choice and you write it either as Markdown ![](\\frac{1}{1+sin(x)}) or HTML <img src="\frac{1}{1+sin(x)}" />. Note that the number of ‘\‘ is different.

The second one with MathJax is also my personal choice, which allows you to write equations with “$$”, just as in any Latex editor. To do this, we need to

  1. Set Build settings in _config.yml as markdown: kramdown
  2. Adding the following code to your header (or the specific page file if you don’t want to slow down the loading process of your entire website)
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
tex2jax: {
skipTags: ['script', 'noscript', 'style', 'textarea', 'pre'],
inlineMath: [['$','$']]

The MathJax configuration can be changed as you need. When using MathJax in markdown, the supported methods might be different from those you are used to. Please refer to this StackExchange Math page for supported syntax.

Reference - Git

References - GitHub Pages

Refernece - Jekyll

Reference - HTML and CSS

Reference - AMP

Reference - Latex in GitHub flavored Markdown

Building personal blog with GitHub Pages, Jekyll and AMP (Outdated)


Ryan Hou

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